Nov. 28: Bullying Lesson

Bullying Lesson - PRINT Bullying Scenarios

  1. Have students complete the introductory SURVEY.
  2. Class discussion: “What does bullying look like at LHS?”
  3. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
  4. How do other students typically react/respond when they see it happening?
  5. Break students up into groups of 4-5.
  6. Have each group come up with their own definition of “bullying” - Then share out w/ rest of class
  7. Inform students of how the LPS District defines “bullying” using the PPT.
  8. Inform students of the 3 roles in a bullying situation and discuss the importance of bystanders using the PPT
  9. Hand out a scenario to each group and have them determine whether or not it would be considered bullying and how bystanders could respond positively to the situation.