Enrollment Information

When students start selecting courses, here are a few resources to help:

Course Catalog--this document describes all courses offered at LHS:

ELA/Journalism-Google Presentation summarizes courses and provides a clear chart of options. Teacher recommendation and signature required for all courses

Math: Teacher Recommendation and signature required

Social Studies: American Government or AP Am. Government
  • ** Attention potential Psychology students! Please note that Psychology 1 IS NOT a prerequisite for Psychology 2. The only difference is the units of study. Psychology 1 looks at Social Psychology, Biopsychology, Consciousness, Learning, & Personality, whereas Psychology 2 looks at Research Methods, Development, Sensation & Perception, & Psychological Disorders. Feel free to sign up exclusively for either section (or both!) if you are interested in learning about why humans think and behave the way they do!  Please see Mr. Griffis in room 911 if you have any questions!

LHS Curricular Areas Graduation Credit Requirements 

English Language Arts 4*  
Social Studies 3** 
Mathematics 3 (college prep 4)
Science 3 
Fine Arts 1 
Practical Arts 0.5 
Physical Education 1 
Personal Finance 0.5 
Health 0.5 

Electives 9 (College Prep 8)

Total 25.5 

*Must include 1-credit Eng Lang Arts 9, 1-credit Eng Lang Arts 10, and 2-credits Eng Lang Arts Electives 
**Must include 1-credit American Hist, 1-credit World Hist, and 1-credit American Government & Econ 
***At least 2-credits in the same International Language and at least 2 or more additional credits from English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, & Fine Arts

Dec. 3, 4, and 5--Enrollment Information

Pick up students' transcripts/grad progress from your mailbox before Monday's advisory

December 3

  • Note from guidance for today's lesson:  Sophomore Advisors will present a lesson on Graduation Progress Reports and Transcripts. Before the advisory, please check your mailboxes and get your students Grad Progress Reports and Transcripts--they will be in there by November 30th at the latest. Before you start the lesson, please pass out the individual papers (Grad Progress & Transcripts) to the students so they have it in front of them and can follow along. These are important as they will use them for their class selection in January.  Show attached Google Presentation
  •   https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ye6ztnKZZPD_eQG6BmoZZXANHmQFo_QzvynW8TyyurI/edit#slide=id.p
  • After going through slide show, you can plan a celebration and/or check grades

December 4

Course Catalog and Enrollment Form Lesson with Counselors
10th grade last names A-K will report to the Little Theater with Mr. Anderson & Mrs. Wiederholt
10th grade last names L-Z will report to the Field House with Mrs. Duncan & Mrs. McCallum

December 5

Options for today are as follows:
  • End-of-year Celebration
  • Grade Check
  • Study Time
  • Remind them this is the last advisory of the semester.  Students will have LH next Wednesday.

Nov. 28: Bullying Lesson

Bullying Lesson - PRINT Bullying Scenarios

  1. Have students complete the introductory SURVEY.
  2. Class discussion: “What does bullying look like at LHS?”
  3. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
  4. How do other students typically react/respond when they see it happening?
  5. Break students up into groups of 4-5.
  6. Have each group come up with their own definition of “bullying” - Then share out w/ rest of class
  7. Inform students of how the LPS District defines “bullying” using the PPT.
  8. Inform students of the 3 roles in a bullying situation and discuss the importance of bystanders using the PPT
  9. Hand out a scenario to each group and have them determine whether or not it would be considered bullying and how bystanders could respond positively to the situation.

November 14

November 14 Lesson

1. Attitudes for Gratitudes (sheets are in your mailbox, extras on counter by mailboxes)
--students will complete 2 of these sheets
--one for a teacher and one for any staff member (counselor, nurse, admin, cook, custodian, etc.)
--return completed sheets to box on table near mailboxes

2. Check In (grades and LH)
--make sure students checking their LH schedule and are self- assigning as needed
--check grades
--encourage them to go to LH if needed

3. Study Time

FUTURE ADVISORY DATES/LESSONS (yes, we have 3 days in a row):

Nov. 28:  Bullying Lesson created by guidance
Dec. 3:  Transcripts and Grad Progress and plan end-of-year celebration
Dec. 4: Meet with Counselors
Dec. 5:  Study and Celebration
Dec. 12:  NO ADVISORY--Liberty Hour instead
Dec. 19:  NO ADVISORY--Final Schedule

Oct. 31

Show the link below during advisory on Oct. 31. 
Students need to do the following:

  • log into Naviance
  • complete a interest survey
  • add 3 career choices.


Oct. 30

Special Advisory Tuesday, October 30th at 8:10 am.
All students should report to their advisory first thing Tuesday morning. Teachers will need to meet in their assigned advisory room. Advisory on the Learning Stairs will meet in the Lower Jay and non-advisory students will report to room 301. KLHS will show Friends for Life starting at 8:15 am on Channel 9. Please have Channel 9 set up ready to go. If you need help accessing Channel 9, please let Mr. McDorman know before Tuesday.

Packets with directions and questionnaires will be delivered to teachers' mailboxes on Monday morning for teachers to pick up before Tuesday morning.  Packets will be picked up at the end of the Advisory period on Tuesday. 

Please note in the schedule that 4th hour and 3rd hour have been flipped to accommodate for the normal lunch schedule.

FYI: Club Pictures will be rescheduled for a date to be determined later.

If you have questions please contact David McDorman, Bridget Herrman and Brenda Wiederholt.

October 24

Clarity BrightBytes Survey -
Wednesday, Oct. 24th - Advisory

On Wednesday, October 24th, we need to complete the Clarity BrightBytes Survey during Advisory.  
As you may recall, this survey generates data regarding the usage of instructional technology in our
building and across our district.

The student link is listed here to write on your board for students to access: www.BByt.es/VL9DU  
Students can also find this link in their email around 1pm on Wednesday.
Please don't share this link until you are ready to start the survey.

The teacher/administrator survey link is provided here: www.BByt.es/VL9DT  
Each teacher and administrator needs to complete this survey. Please reflect on practices you
use or may have used this year and celebrate the great work you do each day while taking this survey.

Please encourage students to read the survey closely and to take their time, this survey will help them
with the technology we provide in our classes. The survey will take some students a few minutes and
could take others 15-20 minutes.  Classes need to stay quiet until each person has finished the survey.

Next Week - Back to Back Advisory

Tuesday, October 30th
(see modified schedule in your email)

Wednesday, October 31st = Naviance Lesson

October 3: Homecoming Door Decorating

October 3:  Begin planning and decorating your door .                          
October 10:  Finish your door decorations.  Best door wins pizza party.

September 26: Advisory Picture and Survey

Advisory: September 26

1. We need all students to fill out this short two-question survey regarding home internet connectivity.
Students will need to use this link to fill out the form on their computers:

In case students are interested why we are doing this:
With network support from Sprint, the 1Million Project Foundation is providing eligible high school
students across the country with 100% free mobile devices and free high-speed Internet for up to
four years. This a completely free program for students who don’t have home internet.

Eligible students will receive the following:

  • A free hotspot along with 3GB of free high-speed wireless data each month.
  • Unlimited data at 2G speeds if usage exceeds 3GB per month.
  • Free, regularly-updated Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliant content filter with every device.
  • The device will also be filtered by the District’s filtering service.
  • Wireless service for up to four years while still in a participating high school.
2. Advisory Picture: Each Advisory will organize their students for a group photo. Photos can be taken either in your classroom and/or right outside of your classroom. We will have 2 photographers on this day that divide and conquer to visit all Advisory classrooms. Security Monitors will walk ahead of the photographers to give Advisors a heads up of when to expect the photographer.

3. Homecoming Door Decorating: Remind students to bring materials to in order to decorate your
classroom door for Homecoming. A large piece of white paper will be provided.
The door must be decorated by October 10. Homecoming Week is Oct. 8-12.

September 19--Think First Assembly

  • Students and Advisors will report directly to the following locations (do NOT report to Advisory first...go directly to these locations):
    • Grades 9/10 - Cokely
      • 10th grade sit on Aux Gym side
      • 9th grade sit on cafeteria side
    • Grades 11/12 - Fieldhouse

Sept. 12

No Fire Drill Today

Here are a list of kids that were sent out yesterday that have not completed their AUPs for computer usage. If there are students in your advisory have them sign the document today. The link to the document for the kids to sign is: https://web.liberty.k12.mo.us/forms/combined_policy_agreement_form/

Here is the spreadsheet to see which kids need to sign it:


Think First Assembly Next Week

Check out the following link to learn about the assembly:
  • Students and Advisors will report directly to the following locations (do NOT report to Advisory first...go directly to these locations):
    • 9/10 - Cokely
    • 11/12 - Fieldhouse
Extra Time? Play Would you rather OR Advisory Choice Tab

Sept. 5: Share NHS info and Organization/Goal Setting

1.  Project and read this to Advisory

National Honor Society Information

  • Hi sophomores! Keep up your GPA this year so that you can be invited to apply for membership in the National Honor Society next year! Here's how it works:
    • Juniors with a minimum GPA of 3.75 are invited to apply for the National Honor Society in August of their Junior Year. Those who are not invited may not apply.
    • Students must complete an application demonstrating their abilities in all four of the core NHS values: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
    • Students must maintain verified signatures and fully complete and submit their applications on time.
    • The information provided will be used by the Faculty Council in the selection process. Completion of the application does not guarantee selection. 
    • In September, applications are due to the NHS sponsor who checks and verifies the information on each application.
    • In October, students are informed via letter delivered at school of their acceptance or rejection into the National Honor Society.
    • In late October or early November, the induction ceremony takes place and students are officially welcomed into the National Honor Society.
    Continued Membership in the National Honor Society requires the following:
    • Maintain a required 3.5 or higher GPA
    • Earn 40 hours of approved community service in NHS sponsored community service
    • Attend monthly meetings
    • Demonstrate the same level of conduct required for admission
    • Pay the $10 yearly dues

    NHS is a great way to serve your community and get involved in leadership. If you meet requirements for continued membership, you get to walk with cords at graduation, and NHS will be designated in the graduation program! 

    If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kleinmeyer at kelsie.kleinmeyer@lps53.org
  • 2.  GOAL SETTING LESSON--Open THIS document for lesson and show the presentation below

August 29: Student Check In, Agendas, and Advisory Choice

Student Check-In: Ask if students have any questions; how Liberty Hour is going; how their classes are; how are their grades.

Liberty Hour Movement begins next week: Encourage students to use their time both in class and Liberty Hour to maximize their school success.

Student Agenda: Distribute student agendas. Spend some time going through the agenda and highlight key areas. Encourage students to use their agenda on a regular basis.

Advisory Choice: Go to advisory choice tab and choose any activity.
If you have added a new student or two, perhaps a name game would be a good idea.

Wednesday - August 22 - Advisory Choice

Advisory Choice

Please choose an activity below for Advisory Choice lesson:

Anticipatory Set Ideas
  • Fist to Five (Students show number of fingers based on: how they are feeling, how school/learning/grades are going, how involved they are in school…)
  • Create a question to link students to today’s objective(s) - Ideas HERE
  • Use sites like Mentimeter or PollEv to project Questions for students to answer from laptop or cell phones
  • Other:
Choose an Activity
  • Personalization via Advisory Choice
  • Choose lesson Ideas HERE based on Advisory needs
  • Create your own lesson to support Advisory needs
  • Learner Agency via Focused Study Time
  • Students will remain in assigned Advisor’s class to either work on school work or read. Please refrain from playing non-academic games or giving passes to LMC or vending machines.
  • Advisor will check in with students individually for support
    • When is your next project or test?
    • Can you show me what you are working on or what resources you have to study?
  • Advisor and students will support one another
    • Poll students to find tutoring support for one another, help with organization
  • Data Informed via Grade Check-Ins & Goal Setting
Closing Activity Ideas

  • Parking Lot:  in a dedicated space, on the wall of your classroom, have students post questions/concerns for you to address in the next Advisory (Virtual Lots: Google Forms or Padlet)
  • Create a question to link students to what students learned
  • Other:

Tuesday, August 22 - Admin Handbook Talks

Admin Handbook Talks

Please take attendance and then send your students to the following locations:

A-K: Cokely (Admins: Tate and Wickham)
L-Z: Field House (Admins: Herrman and McDorman)

Monday - August 20 - Social Media 101

Advisors CLICK HERE for the lesson plan

Then guide students through the slideshow below

August 16 - Canvas Tutorial

1. Show the Canvas Overview from the Student Perspective video to your advisory students. Make note of any questions you cannot answer on this Parking Lot document.

2. Review the Assignment Submissions video with your advisory students as this is the most common function that they will perform using Canvas. Make note of any questions you cannot answer on this Parking Lot document.

3. Show the students how to access Links to additional "How-To" videos for Canvas.
   (After clicking the link above, scroll down to the Students section for your how-to videos as shown below)

4. Show the students how to access Links to additional "How-To" user guides for Canvas. This is a great resource for students that prefer to read instructions rather than watching a tutorial video.

Extra Time?

August At-A-Glance

Welcome to Advisory

Today we will...
  1. Review the purpose of Advisory
  2. Get to know one another! (Ideas CLICK HERE)

Welcome, Blue Jays!

This is your Advisory space for your academic career at Liberty High School.  Your advisory teacher is different than a classroom teacher in that there is no grade for this class. The advisory teacher will support you in a variety of ways from academic support to building relationships as well as connecting you to community involvement and events. 

Fill your gratefulhearts with joy and bring peace throughout your day. (2).png

August At-A-Glance

Aug Dates
10—Brenda Parker
Intro to Advisory
School Culture


Handbook Chats
Get to know activity
Normal Advisory
Student Check In & Advisory Choice