Course Catalog--this document describes all courses offered at LHS:
ELA/Journalism-Google Presentation summarizes courses and provides a clear chart of options. Teacher recommendation and signature required for all courses
Math: Teacher Recommendation and signature required
Social Studies: American Government or AP Am. Government
- ** Attention potential Psychology students! Please note that Psychology 1 IS NOT a prerequisite for Psychology 2. The only difference is the units of study. Psychology 1 looks at Social Psychology, Biopsychology, Consciousness, Learning, & Personality, whereas Psychology 2 looks at Research Methods, Development, Sensation & Perception, & Psychological Disorders. Feel free to sign up exclusively for either section (or both!) if you are interested in learning about why humans think and behave the way they do! Please see Mr. Griffis in room 911 if you have any questions!
LHS Curricular Areas
Graduation Credit
English Language Arts 4*
Social Studies 3**
Mathematics 3 (college prep 4)
Science 3
Fine Arts 1
Practical Arts 0.5
Physical Education 1
Personal Finance 0.5
Health 0.5
Electives 9 (College Prep 8)
Total 25.5
*Must include 1-credit Eng Lang Arts 9, 1-credit Eng Lang Arts 10, and 2-credits Eng Lang Arts Electives
**Must include 1-credit American Hist, 1-credit World Hist, and 1-credit American Government & Econ
***At least 2-credits in the same International Language and at least 2 or more additional credits from English
Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, & Fine Arts