Dec. 3, 4, and 5--Enrollment Information

Pick up students' transcripts/grad progress from your mailbox before Monday's advisory

December 3

  • Note from guidance for today's lesson:  Sophomore Advisors will present a lesson on Graduation Progress Reports and Transcripts. Before the advisory, please check your mailboxes and get your students Grad Progress Reports and Transcripts--they will be in there by November 30th at the latest. Before you start the lesson, please pass out the individual papers (Grad Progress & Transcripts) to the students so they have it in front of them and can follow along. These are important as they will use them for their class selection in January.  Show attached Google Presentation
  • After going through slide show, you can plan a celebration and/or check grades

December 4

Course Catalog and Enrollment Form Lesson with Counselors
10th grade last names A-K will report to the Little Theater with Mr. Anderson & Mrs. Wiederholt
10th grade last names L-Z will report to the Field House with Mrs. Duncan & Mrs. McCallum

December 5

Options for today are as follows:
  • End-of-year Celebration
  • Grade Check
  • Study Time
  • Remind them this is the last advisory of the semester.  Students will have LH next Wednesday.

Nov. 28: Bullying Lesson

Bullying Lesson - PRINT Bullying Scenarios

  1. Have students complete the introductory SURVEY.
  2. Class discussion: “What does bullying look like at LHS?”
  3. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
  4. How do other students typically react/respond when they see it happening?
  5. Break students up into groups of 4-5.
  6. Have each group come up with their own definition of “bullying” - Then share out w/ rest of class
  7. Inform students of how the LPS District defines “bullying” using the PPT.
  8. Inform students of the 3 roles in a bullying situation and discuss the importance of bystanders using the PPT
  9. Hand out a scenario to each group and have them determine whether or not it would be considered bullying and how bystanders could respond positively to the situation.

November 14

November 14 Lesson

1. Attitudes for Gratitudes (sheets are in your mailbox, extras on counter by mailboxes)
--students will complete 2 of these sheets
--one for a teacher and one for any staff member (counselor, nurse, admin, cook, custodian, etc.)
--return completed sheets to box on table near mailboxes

2. Check In (grades and LH)
--make sure students checking their LH schedule and are self- assigning as needed
--check grades
--encourage them to go to LH if needed

3. Study Time

FUTURE ADVISORY DATES/LESSONS (yes, we have 3 days in a row):

Nov. 28:  Bullying Lesson created by guidance
Dec. 3:  Transcripts and Grad Progress and plan end-of-year celebration
Dec. 4: Meet with Counselors
Dec. 5:  Study and Celebration
Dec. 12:  NO ADVISORY--Liberty Hour instead
Dec. 19:  NO ADVISORY--Final Schedule